Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Drama King

…when the thunder storms start
increasing over the southeast
and south central portions
of my apartment, I get upset

and a line of thunderstorms was
developing in the early morning
ahead of a slow moving coldfront
cold blooded
with tornado watches issued shortly
before noon Sunday, for the areas
including, the western region
of my mental health
 and the northern portions of my ability to deal rationally
with my
disconcerted precarious emotional situation,
it's cold out there
colder than a ticket taker's smile at the
Ivar Theatre, on a Saturday nigh
flash flood watches
covered the
southern portion of my disposition...

Underscored by the above song Emotional Weather Report by
TomWaits, I was in the mood for drama.

The phone rang. I wiped a tear from myleft eye and answered in a
melancholic “hello”.
 “So, how are you?” my friend Kate.
 I thought of a heart rending remark… that best capture my inner
turmoil:“Shattered. I want to escape this smoking wreckage called
my life.”
“For crying out loud, stop speaking in metaphors! I get confused.”
Ok, I flunked the bar exam and this is the worst time of my life.
Satisfied? You?”
“I was diagnosed with this worst kind of diabetes; I have to be
injectedwith insulin once in a while. Plus, I have a heart problem.
The doctor said it’s serious."
 “So you called to compete with my misery?”
 She sobbed.
 I cried.
 We both engaged in lachrymal exhaustion.
 “If this is a crying contest, I give up. You win.”
 “How about dinner tonight? Lets celebrate”.
 “Celebrate what?”
 “Darn, our misery!”
 Buti pa nga”
 “Sisig. Crispy pata.” We chorused.