Saturday, March 1, 2008

What do we teach our children?

It was one of those things I could never predict it could happen to me. But it happened.

I was “assaulted” by a little boy.

I was smoking outside my apartment, minding my own business, when a little boy around 6 years old – in a school bus which halted in front my apartment to make way for a tricycle - peeled off his khaki shorts, shoved his ass from the window and wiggled in my direction.

I was taken aback .I wonder what crossed his mind to do such appalling travesty. I was shocked.I couldn’t believe he, a little boy, just violated my pensive and most private solitary moment.

But before I could something, the bus harrumphed and I could hear the boisterous cheers of his schoolmates.In retrospect I should have crushed my cigarette butt in those sorry little pink cheeks.

Kids these days are annoying lot. You go to the mall and you see spoiled brats that you instinctively want to strangle and beat them endlessly. And there are those kinds: hip- hoppers who wear nose rings, tattoos, who smoke, or smear rouges on their faces, or clad in micro-minis even Paris Hilton would be too ashamed to wear.

I remember I witnessed a toddler who went berserk, in crying fit when she could not get what she wanted from her mother: She wanted a baby, yes a live baby, because the one she had at home could not cry. I once heard my nephew threatening my sister- in- law who forced him to sleep during daytime while he was busy playing. He shouted: Isusumbong kita pulis! Makulong ka sana sa dami ng utang mo sa tindahan! (I will report you to the police! I hope you get jailed for your numerous debts!)

I wonder, what has gone wrong with the way we raise kids these days?

I feel we, grown- ups have gone too soft when dealing with them. They do easily get what they want. No wonder they have become a misguided bunch.

I remember watching WOWOWEEE. During the part where the TV host interviews the contestants, Mr., Revillame asked a girl contestant: Anong gusto mong maging pag laki mo? (What do want to become when you grow up?). The child enthusiastically answered that she wanted to go to Japan and become a dancer. Just then, she proceeded to the center stage and gyrated in way that could shame Luningning.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with becoming a Japayuki. But for our children to aspire to for a profession that conjures sleaziness and exploitation, it indicates a deeply rooted problem here.

Whatever happened to I-want-to-become-the-president ambitions? Gone are those days when children excel in academics to become famous. Gone are those days when children idolize scientists, great leaders and writers. When I was a child for example I admired the intelligence and eloquence of Miriam Santiago, well the pre- mad cow Miriam, and I get inspired by biographies of great persons.

Today one could just make a video of themselves – the more explicit or graphic the better- and post it in You Tube to become famous. What do these children look up to? Paris Hilton? Lindsay Lohan? Or Britney Spears where it’s cool to screw around, to get drunk, or not to wear panties in parties?

Maybe its time we reconsider the old way of disciplining our children: corporal punishment. Hey, that was way we were brought up. Our childhood was a literal pain in the ass. Call me old fashioned but corporal punishment builds character. It instills much needed discipline through pain and humiliation.

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