Saturday, November 18, 2006

i blog therefore i am

For quite a long time I have been sucked up in my own shithole, wallowing. I blame law school.
Now, I blog, therefore I exist. I exist at least in this alternate world called Blogosphere. Hey, I won’t expect that someone out there would dare read this blog and acknowledge my sordid existence. This is more like a self-affirmation. The blogosphere is more colossal than the already unfathomable universe. Go figure.
To steal an idea from Nietzsche: The eternal hourglass of existence is turned over and over, and I with it, a grain of dust. Or, to again steal a metaphor from one crazy philosopher, I am just a bubble in this massive vat of blogosphere soup. Simply put, wala silang pakialam!
So I blog under the veil of Sisyphusnatiphus. If you’ve been living under a rock and do not understand the reference, the Sisyphus of Greek mythology was cursed to roll a boulder up to the peak of a mountain for all eternity. As punishment for his audacity, he was sentenced to be blinded and to perpetually roll a giant boulder up a mountain to the peak, only to have it inevitably roll back down the mountain into the valley. In his essay, Albert Camus presents Sisyphus's ceaseless and pointless toil as a metaphor for modern lives spent working and working . He develops the idea of the "absurd man," the man who is periodically conscious of the ultimate futility of life.
If you think that I share this view of life or as Camus would say in French Weltanchuung, go get a rock hit and your head three times.
I am more of a twisted Sisyphus. If you understand Filipino idiom, you get what I mean. Ok, just imagine what your mom would say after sporting the new hip haircut or a Marilyn Manson outfit. Everybody: Anak anong nangyari sa yo? Para kang natipus!
So there. In this blog I will write all about my favorite topic: ME. All my self-inflicted tortures and punishment.
I think it was the great Truman Capote who once said: Writing is a gift from God that comes with a whip… and that whip is used mainly to flagellate oneself. Occassionally though, I will use whip on others—my friends and some people I know.
Until then. I still have a boulder to roll..

1 comment:

ethelenski said...

so the blog fever also caught you. the world is divided into two, writers and readers. too bad i fall on the latter group. we expect great stuffs from you. kudos on your blog!