I am not describing myself. Although I have to admit, that is one inconvenient truth I have to live by. For instance, my presence could distract people. Wherever I go, people look at me with lust and admiration. Sometimes they could not resist the urge to tell how steaming hot I am, but I just roll my eyes and tell them that I do not need to be reminded. One great disadvantage is that I could not ever achieve my dream of trekking the North Pole and climbing the
Where am I? I am talking about the unusually sweltering heat. I am staying in a cramped apartment and I feel like I am being baked in an oven. I could not put myself to sleep because I am sweating profusely. I have taken shower three times already and still soaking wet in my sweat. Plus I suspect that perennial crankiness is due to the extremely high temperature.
Are we not alarmed at the intense heat the world is experiencing? Maybe its time we address seriously this problem on global warming. Our world is undoubtedly warming. We know catastrophic consequences of global warming: additional sea-level rise that will gradually inundate coastal areas, (it would potentially obliterate many islands of Las Islas Filipinas , low tide or high tide) changes in precipitation patterns, increased risk of droughts and floods, threats to biodiversity, and a number of potential challenges for public health.
This warming is largely the result of emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from human activities. Yes, citizens of the world we are primary responsible.
It’s time we address this problem seriously. Let’s start a movement. Let us conceive a new religion. The Earth is our God. Abuse it and we perish.